Mineral Springs Foundation

Mineral Springs Foundation Logo“In the Valley of the Mineral Springs.” The phrase that says it all. Unique mineral springs in a beautiful valley at the foot of what would become one of the world’s most famous mountains. Mineral springs that were sacred to American Indians living in or passing through the valley. Mineral springs that early explorers to the area believed had rejuvenating effects of body, mind and spirit. Mineral springs around which the resort community of Manitou Springs was founded, becoming the “Saratoga of the West.” Mineral springs that are the focus of today’s thriving destination community at the foot of Pikes Peak.

The Mineral Springs Foundation of Manitou Springs is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1987 with the mission “To restore, protect, and publicize the natural mineral springs and to document their historic origins.” Since its inception, the Foundation along with the City of Manitou Springs and private landowners has restored or developed eight of the city’s mineral springs and plans exist to increase that number. Future restoration and promotion of the mineral springs costs money. As a major attraction, unique resource and historic landmark, the Mineral Springs of Manitou Springs deserve our attention. Want to help out?  Click the “Donate” link below.


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