Historical Tidbits

Historical Tidbits

This page provides some interesting historical tidbits about Manitou Springs from local newspapers throughout the years.  Enjoy!

August 12, 1966, Pikes Peak Journal

Liberace Visits Craftwood Inn
Liberace Visits Craftwood Inn

Liberace Guest at Craftwood Inn

Liberace, pianist and entertainer extraordinary, who appeared last week in a week’s engagement at the International Center, Broadmoor, was a guest at dinner Wednesday last week at Craftwood Inn.

Enjoying dinner on the occasion along with Liberace, were Mr and Mrs. Prentiss Rowe, Mrs. Irene Bostwick, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sumner.

Following the dinner, the guests enjoyed an hour of relaxation and talk at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner, Onaledge, before Liberace returned to Broadmoor to prepare for his evening’s performance.

June 21, 1935

Ask Vacant Lots Be Beautified

Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Crosby, the owners and managers of the Crosby Indian shop on Ruxton Avenue, made a request that several lots on the side of the street opposite them be beautified, by having the rubbish hauled away and flowers planted.
There are a number of vacant lots in various parts of the city that are uncared for, and also several buildings, the condition of which would demand that they be condemned, citizens affirm. Owners of the lots are J.G. Shabouh and the Atkinson Curio store.

June 14, 1935

To Clamp Down on Delivery Wagons

The Town of Manitou will clamp down on delivery cars in future, according to members of the town board. Milk and laundry are required to pay a $25 license to operate on the streets of Manitou, and this source of revenue has dropped away behind.

Pikes Peak Journal, April 4, 1952

Mabel Willie Elected Mayor of Manitou Springs

Manitou Springs will have its first woman mayor soon. Mrs. Mabel Willie was elected mayor of Manitou Springs at the regular town election held in the biennial election last Tuesday. Mrs. Willie toppled the votes received by Homer Sharpton with a 51-majority.

Pikes Peak Journal, April 19, 1935

World Fair Dancer at Hiawatha Gardens

Fay Baker, former Zeigfield Follies beauty, famous successor to Sally Rand and featured attraction in the “Streets of Paris” at the Century Progress exposition held at Chicago, will present her spectacular fan dance at the Hiawatha Gardens on Saturday evening, April 20.

It was in the “Streets of Paris” at the world fair that Miss Baker originated and presented her version of the fan dance. Miss Baker uses only one fan, a gorgeous creation of colored ostrich plumes that measure almost five feet in expanse. She will present her dance here exactly as she did at the fair.
The beauty is a college graduate and studied dancing under the tutelage of the famous producer Noel Wayburn. Her hobbies include painting, golfing, horses, and airplanes.

Manitou Springs Journal, March 18, 1910

Manitou to Have Wireless Telephone Station. One of the First in Country

Work was resumed this week on the new automobile road to Crystal Park, and the owner gives out that the thoroughfare will be completed by June 1. W.C. Dotterer, president of the Crystal Park Company has just returned from New York, and states that the plan announced last fall will be carried out.
Mr. Dotterer gives out the information that probably a wireless telephone between Manitou and the park will be installed. He states that the road will have a station at Manitou and it will be necessary to have a telephone of some kind. He believes that the wireless telephone can be used between Crystal Park and the Manitou station. If this system is installed it will be one of the first of its kind in the country. It will be used both by the employees for business and by tourists as a novelty.

Manitou Springs Journal, March 18, 1910

First Steps Taken for Library

At the meeting of the Town Council Tuesday evening the initial step was taken regarding the building of Carnegie Library in Manitou, when an ordinance was passed to establish the library and provide a fund for the maintenance of the same. Mr. Carnegie has been notified of the action by letter and informed the town is now ready to proceed with the work of erecting the building as soon as the $6,000 promised is received. There is, however, other preliminary work to be attended to before actual work can be commenced.

The annual appropriation ordinance was passed which totals up the amount of $28, 889. This includes $675 for library maintenance. Last year’s total appropriation was $27, 949, which was only a little under the amount for the coming year.

Manitou Springs Journal, March 4, 1910

Mansions Pavilion to Be Built

The pessimist who contended that the much-talked-of pavilion would not be built at the new spring on the Mansions hotel property will take consolation in the fact that F.P. Ernest has let the contract to Angus Gillis, and the building is to be completed some time in the fore part of June.

The new structure is to be 40×90 feet and will be built of concrete with the exception of the roof, which will be tile. The pavilion, which will be located just east of the spring and the water will be piped to the center of the building, necessitating the water being raised about 8 feet from ground level.

Mr. Gillis will commence work on the construction within the next few days, providing the frost has left the ground sufficiently to permit digging for the foundation. The building will cost in the neighborhood of $7,000.

Manitou Springs Journal, February 17, 1928

To Operate Movies Here

Walter L. Bedwell, experienced cinema operator and showman, who arrived in Manitou recently from Scott’s Bluff Neb., will open the Manitou theater in the early part of March, and give the people of the city the best there is in movies.

Mr. Bedwell has spent a lifetime in the theatrical profession, and is familiar with the public taste in regard to entertainment. He operated the first cinema in Dayton, Ohio and has been uniformly successful in his chosen vocation.

Every city the size of Manitou has a movie house open all winter, and it is hope that Mr. Bedwell will be successful in furnishing the citizens of the city with the best movies all year round.

Manitou Springs Journal, February 6, 1982

Be it Ordained by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Manitou: Section 1. Any person who shall ride any bicycle, tricycle, wagon or other vehicle, or who shall coast or slide upon any vehicle or sled, upon any sidewalks in the Town of Manitou shall upon conviction be fined not less than one dollar nor more than five dollars for each offense.

Passed Feb. 2, 1892

Pikes Peak Journal, March 17, 1961

Highway Rates Increase in Pikes Peak

Toll fees on the Pikes Peak Highway received an increase, approved by the City Council of Colorado Springs on Tuesday. A new permit between the U.S. Government and the city for operation of the highway was approved also.

The new toll charges are:
Person 12 years of age or older $1.00
Children 6 to 11 years of age, 25 cents.
Children under 6, no charge.

October 6, 1933

A. T McLaughlin, owner of the McLaughlin lodge and a large tract of land in east Manitou, states he will develop a section of land comprising upwards of 20 acres near Adams Crossing if the town installs Manitou water. McLaughlin is enthusiastic for the extension to East Manitou and declares it is one of the best moves yet under taken.

October 14, 1966

Mr and Mrs William A. Bell, grandson of Dr William A. Bell, founder of Manitou Springs, and their daughter, Georgia, from Sussex, England, were visitors in the region Saturday. They visited the family home at Briarhurst and St Andrews Church, which was built by his grandfather. They were guests in the home of the Harvey Lesters.

August 5, 1936

The Manitou Saddle Stables were purchased from Mrs Carl Clute by E. Clark. They are to be operated in the future at the old Packard Burro Barn on El Paso Blvd.

August 27, 1915

Articles of incorporation were filed in Denver Friday by the “Manitou” Mineral Water Company…an election of officers will be held. In addition to E. C. Sharer, President, the board will included Oliver Shoup, A. J. Kohn, Norman B. Cool, F. G. Holmes, James Purcell and K. C. Schuyler. An advertising plan…[will] exploit the products, of course, and will keep Manitou, the town, constantly before the eyes of the world.

August 28, 1942 Camp Carson military police will be stationed at Manitou Springs with headquarters at town hall. Mayor L. T. Skiffington was informed Thursday night. A detail of police will be sent here for the first time tonight.

July 1, 1893

The members of the firemen’s hose team have stopped working until after the firemen’s races when the boys intend to show to the citizens of Manitou the team is fast enough to make all the visiting teams keep guessing. The boys will now train twice a day, morning and afternoon and get themselves in the best of condition. Every man must report to his captain at the hose room at 9:30 o’clock every morning and in the evening at 7 o’clock sharp.

July 8, 1915 Mrs S.P. Hooker of New York City wrote to the Journal–I am afraid that few visiting Manitou appreciate the grandeur of the scenery that is enjoyed by roaming over the mountains. The other day we walked up the famous Williams Canyon and over the Temple Drive. Manitou Springs with its health giving waters will ever linger within us. After being deluded with the misnomer Colorado “Springs”, we immediately moved to Manitou where the only springs are located and should be so advertised.

June 12, 1893

The grandest and most beautiful of all Manitou sights are the subterranean wonders which are found in the Manitou Grand Caverns. It is the largest cave in the state.

June 2, 1933

The offices of the Pikes Peak Auto Livery were opened this week for the season. Although the road to the peak has not been opened and the Çog road is stilled snowed under, there is some tourist traffic which is being taken care of.

June 12, 1964

Chief Little Deer well known here for his part in Indian dancing during the summer months has under gone surgery. Chief Little Deer and his family have been popular figures at the Manitou Cliff Dwellings and he is being missed there.

May 12, 1894

On the corner of Manitou and Ruxton Avenues The Manitou Restaurant is serving dinners for 50 cents and suppers and breakfasts for 35 cents. The Manitou is also a first class resort. Room rates are $1.50 to $2.00 a day with special rates by the week.

May 7, 1937

James B. Richardson is celebrating his birthday today, but it is like any other day to him. Without mentioning how long ago it was, a number of his classmates recall the days when he pored over Latin construction, and how he did detention room duties now and then as others in school do today. Mr Richardson (known as Prof) continues to be one of the most popular, best liked teachers in the school.

May 6, 1966

At a special meeting to hear protests on the city council action approving use of the east end of Soda Springs Park for a parking area, city officials voted unanimously to rescind the previous action of the week before. The promoters of the parking plans were overwhelmed by numbers and arguments. It was a very orderly meeting, there was no shouting or violent talk.

April 29, 1893

The agitation created among the tax payers of Manitou over a rumor that the Manitou spring would be covered over by the Manitou Mineral Water Company led to the calling of a special meeting of the town council. Mayor Grafton who had called upon Manager Hunt relative to the matter, explained that it was the intention of the company to close the spring only during the hours the pavilion would not be open. This action was necessary, owing to the violation of sanitary laws by many unthinking patrons of the spring. No action was taken by the council and the meeting adjourned after being in session less than a half hour.

April 20, 1928

The newly installed Manitou Springs trustees, during the meeting of the Board, discussed favorably a plan to drill for a well on city property near Seven Minute Spring. If drilled the spring will be covered. Mayor Nichols offered the Cliff House spring for piping purposes.

April 4, 1941

Homer Sharpton will head the committee for the spring dance to be given by the Volunteer Fire Company. Assisting will be Jack Torrence and Charles Parker. The committee will arrange for the scene of the dance and make other plans for success. The firemen’s dance, an annual event, helps raise money to defray the civic and charitable activities sponsored by the fire company.

Thursday, June 28, 1917

Colo Spgs Gazette, Posted courtesy of Joann, 1-12-14 

Manitou Pays $25,000.00 For Soda Springs Park. The town of Manitou formally took possession of Soda Springs park yesterday when a town warrant for $20,000.00 and a check for $5,000.00 were paid to George A. Krause, executor of the estate of General William J. Palmer. The people of Manitou authorized the purchase of the park last April at the city election. Contributions amounting to $8,000.00 were collected by a committee of citizens last winter to supplement the $20,000.00 the town proposed to pay for the park. The payment yesterday of $5,000.00 of the citizens’ fund leaves a balance of $3,000.00 which is to be expended in improvements. A permanent fireproof bandstand will be erected as quickly as possible, a landscape plan will be put into effect, and the creek walls will be beautified with rock gardens. Next fall it is expected that an appropriation of $2,000.00 from the town will be available to make further betterments.

January 16,1892

Notwithstanding the fact that the Manitou red sand stone has been on the market less than five years, it has already attained the reputation of being      the best building stone produced in Colorado and is used not only in the state but in many of the principal cities as far east as the Mississippi and south to the gulf.  The beautiful Manitou red stone is a product of the Snider Stone and Lime Co. of Manitou.

January 20, 1921

The first recorded meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Manitou Springs was held in the lobby of the Manitou Bathhouse.  The organizational meeting was attended by 35 enthusiastic and interested business men.

January 11, 1952

The present Manitou Springs High School building was paid for in full after 30 years.  The $130,000 worth of bonds were authorized in December, 1921, and are now completely paid for.

Dec 12, 1915

Chief Manitou sent to W.S. Crosby, his philosopher, guide, and friend, a box of pottery, this week, which he asked Mr. Crosby to send to various newspaper men who had made the Chief’s tour with the sociability run last spring a trip of enterprise and joy.  Some there were among the newspaper men who took special pains with the Chief, entertained him, gave him the keys of the town, and wrote columns and columns about him in their newspapers.  To these Mr. Crosby sent the pieces of pottery, which were made from start to finish by members of Chief Manitou’s family.  Chief Manitou’s family are of the Pueblo tribe and their gifts will no doubt will be greatly appreciated by the recipients.

Dec 5, 1952

Manitou Springs High School alums are represented at Colorado A & M college, Fort Collins, by 4 students.  They include:  James Burkpile, a junior electrical engineering major; Caroline Jackson, a freshman general science major; Reidar Lundh, a freshman general science major; and Roger Esgar, a freshman engineering major.

Dec 12, 1952

Roy Acuff and his orchestra, one of the bands scheduled by Howie Geib for the Hiawatha Gardens, were guests at the Manitou Spa Hotel last weekend.  Ray Dunn, manager of the Spa had only words of praise for the young orchestra leader and his musicians all of whom were thoroughly at home at the Spa Hotel.  The group numbered 10.  They traveled in their special plane where ever they go.

Nov 14, 1910

James Richardson,  a member of the Manitou high school, had a painful experience on Friday of last week when preparing to do some work in the laboratory of the school.  An alcohol lamp, used in some experiments had been upset and some of the fluid ran on the outside of the bowl.  When Richardson applied a match, the alcohol on the outside ignited and sent up a flame.  He attempted to protect himself from the blaze by placing   his hands on his face, but in doing so the alcohol on his hands became a flame.  His skin was burned from where ever the hands touched.  Richardson wore glasses, and although they were broken, it is believed they saved his eyes from being injured.

(The preparer of this Tidbit would like to add a few more words about this young man Richardson.  J. B. Richardson graduated from Manitou High School in 1912.  Immediately after graduating from Denver University he came back to teach at Manitou High.  He became lovingly known as “Prof” and taught his whole career in Manitou retiring in 1963.  The current high school football field is named Richardson Field honoring this man.)

Nov 12, 1915

Henry Ford of Ford fame and Thomas Edison arrived at the Cliff House Thursday morning.  Wizard Edison is a brother-in-law of Mr. Nichols part owner of the Cliff House.  Both were much impressed with the Pikes Peak region.

October 29, 1892

The banking houses of J.B. Wheeler & Ço of Manitou, Colorado City and Aspen have been incorporated. The Manitou Company is to be known as the “J. B. Wheeler Banking Company of Manitou,” the board of directors being J. B. Wheeler, President; Ward Hunt, Vice-president; J.B. Glasser, cashier; H.H. Grafton and W.E. Smiley.

October 30, 1927

Curt Goerke was in town for a short time. While here, he is remodeling the curio store at Balanced Rock. As soon as the surveyors finish their work, Mr. Goerke plans to complete the Black Canyon camp ground. The building known as the Balanced Rock Station on the street car line built for automobile sight-seeing office will be made over into a central building for the camp ground.

October 17, 1941

The final connecting of wires setting up a new Western Union Telegraph office took place during the past week, and now Manitou Springs may send messages from the local office instead of phoning the messages to the Colorado Springs office. Of course, Manitous Springs has always had direct service in the summer months but not during the winter. The sending office is located in Miller’s Hardware store.

September 5, 1950

Manitou Springs schools will open with a kindergarten for the first time. Classes will be conducted in the library building.

September 9, 2004

Della Summer, a resident of Manitou Springs since 1946, celebrated her 100th birthday. Mrs Summer was instrumental in establishing the many school programs in conjunction with the Manitou Springs Woman’s Club..

September 10, 1937

The headline of the Pikes Peak Journal read “Post Office Building Assured Manitou Springs Residents”. Manitou Springs will get a new $75,000 post office according to the US Department of the Treasury. The question of a new post office was first broached by L.T. Skiffington acting mayor three years ago and was taken up by the Kiwanis Club, volunteer firemen and the American Legion, as well as the rank and file of the people.

August 13, 1892

A jolly burro party of forty guests of the Manitou Mansions House enjoyed a trip to the Garden of the Gods last night. They left about 8 o’clock and with these remarkably placid animals considered themselves lucky to return at midnight. The only startling incident of the trip was the accident to Miss Hill. Her burro became frightened and she fell off striking her head on a rock while in the Garden. Miss Hill fainted but soon recovered and was taken back to the Mansions in a carriage.

August 22, 1941

The Stage Coach Inn won first place and the large trophy offered the best group costuming by firms in Manitou Springs during the weeks before the rodeo.

August 29, 1941

Collier’s Dining Room at 121 Ruxton Ave. announced it would remain open thru September and October, featuring fried chicken and hot biscuits on Sundays and regular 35 cent meals thru the week.

August 6, 1950

Following certification by the State of Colorado to the effect that the municipality was entitled to be a city, the town became the City of Manitou Springs.

July 1, 1915

The Manitou newspaper reported a few of Manitou’s good points are: Not a mosquito, gnat, flea or chigger, the only caverns in the west; the ideal place for rest and recreation; choice of two routes to Cripple Creek; the longest highest most wonderful Cog Railway in the world; restaurants and cafeterias where  food may be obtained’ good hotels, boarding houses and thousands of furnished rooms, all at moderate prices.

July 16, 1894

The Manitou Springs Journal reported “Ever since the first arrival registered at the Barker Hotel for the 94 season there has been music… It seems that in every trunk was a violin, a mandolin, a guitar or other musical instruments.”

July 16, 1954

The Pikes Peak Journal reports that in 1870 the first cabin in Manitou was built according to records. Isaac Sales, it was said, built that cabin and was located near the Soda Springs.

June 20, 1941

Manitou’s outdoor bowling alley will be opened for the summer season in the Sunken Gardens. The 14 alleys are constructed on concrete, with 65 ft. standard alleys. Hard rubber balls are used on the concrete. This increasingly popular sport is featured in and outdoor setting and is brilliantly lighted for the convenience of visitors playing at night.

June 23, 1961

At a traffic session following the regular council session, the council voted to make Winter Street off Ruxton, a one-way street south and Ruxton Avenue around the Iron Springs Chateau, a one-way block in the other direction on a 60-day trial basis.

June 30, 1916

At council meeting in was ordered that milk dealers who sell in Manitou from now on may expect to be stopped anytime and anyplace by the health officer for the purpose of making tests as to whether the product is up to standard. The object is to minimize illness in the city.

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